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The Village of Algonquin, IL

Welcome to the website for the Village of Algonquin!

Social Media Comment Policy

The Village of Algonquin uses social media to communicate and engage with users. We recognize the rights, benefits, and responsibilities associated with using social media. We encourage you to consider how your comments and actions on our sites may impact others as you interact with the Village and other users on these platforms.

While the Village cannot prevent or be responsible for content posted by others that may be offensive, hurtful, in poor taste, or disagreeable, we emphasize that some forms of expression may not be protected as "free speech" under the U.S. and Illinois Constitutions. Such instances are outlined below.

The Village reserves the right to delete or hide content placed by others on our social media platforms, including comments, replies, posts, reviews, photos, links, or other content that includes any of the following:

  • Spam, Advertising, or Links: Promoting a business, service, or product
  • Malware, Viruses, or Security Threats: Any content posing a threat to the Village network
  • Advocating or Engaging in Illegal Activity
  • Direct Threats to any Person: As defined by law
  • Obscenity: Graphic content of a sexual nature that rises to the level of no constitutional protection
  • Infringement of Copyrights or Trademarks
  • Defamatory Statements: According to law
  • Promoting Discrimination by the Government Against Any Protected Class

Please note: Content posted on Village of Algonquin social media by anyone other than Village employees does not reflect the opinions or positions of the Village of Algonquin, its elected officials, or its employees.

The views, guidelines, and rules of the social media platform are those of the company providing the platform (e.g., Facebook, Inc. or X, Corp.) and not those of the Village of Algonquin.

Activity on Village of Algonquin social media is subject to public disclosure (5 ILCS 140/1 et. al.).

Nothing in this policy or on this site is intended as legal advice.