The Village of Algonquin, IL
Welcome to the website for the Village of Algonquin!
Bid Specification Information: Wastewater Treatment Facility Biosolids Handling
To access Bid/RFP information on this project from the Village of Algonquin, please fill out the form below.
HOW TO OBTAIN ELECTRONIC PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS: Project plans and/or specifications may be downloaded from the Village's file sharing site which will be provided to companies upon completion of this form. A CD containing the plans and specifications for the project may be purchased from the Village of Algonquin at the Ganek Municipal Center at a cost of $10.00. If the company would like the CD mailed to them, an additional $5.00 fee is required.
ADDENDA: Companies that complete this form with an valid e-mail address will be notified of any and all addenda pertaining to this project. It is each company's responsibility to download any addenda and include them with their proposal(s).