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The Village of Algonquin, IL

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Daylight Saving Time Begins

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Event Date:

Mar 12, 2028 from 2:00 AM - End
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(The second Sunday of March to occur 0 time(s))

Event Description:

Daylight Savings begins on Sunday, March 12. Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead an hour before bed on Saturday, March 11. As this date approaches, the Village of Algonquin would like to remind all residents to change the batteries in their smoke alarms and CO2 detectors when they turn their clocks back one hour. Changing the batteries in your smoke alarm/CO2 detector is a simple task that can save lives.

In the United States, smoke alarms are present in 96% of American homes, but 20% do not work because of worn or missing batteries, preventing families from achieving the full potential of increased fire safety from smoke alarms. If a fire occurs, working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in a home fire nearly in half by providing an early warning and extra critical seconds to escape. Approximately 84% of fire deaths occur in homes where smoke alarms are not working.