The Village of Algonquin, IL

Welcome to the website for the Village of Algonquin!


The Police Department is charged with protecting the safety and welfare of the public. The majority of the officers are responsible for patrol duties, but others serve as DARE, crime prevention, accident investigators, high school liaison, and investigation officers. Department investigators serve in a general capacity but one investigator and a patrol officer serve as gang specialists. Another officer is assigned to the North Central Narcotics Division as a clandestine operative. Department members serve a number of task forces in the area. Civilian personnel serve a vital role in the support services area, including records processing, telecommunications, and community service.
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Recent News

  • Now Hiring: Lateral Police Officer
    Now Hiring: Lateral Police Officer
    Those interested are required to complete both pages of our employment application and submit it along with a resume or letter of intent via email to Mailed or dropped off applications and resumes will...
  • Inaugural Unified Police Academy
    Inaugural Unified Police Academy
    The Algonquin Police Department, along with Special Olympics Illinois and the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics, is proud to host the Inaugural Unified Police Academy on Friday March 21st.
  • Police Officers Honored With Life-Saving Awards
    Police Officers Honored With Life-Saving Awards
    Sergeant Andrew Doles, Officer Daniel Dennis, and Officer Adrian Vergara received Lifesaving Awards at a February village board meeting for their heroic actions on January 13.

Contact Us

Ganek Municipal Center
2200 Harnish Dr
Algonquin, IL 60102
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