The Village of Algonquin, IL

Welcome to the website for the Village of Algonquin!


Algonquin Recreation is committed to providing services that promote a spirit of community, enhance quality of life, and develop lifetime appreciation and involvement in cultural, recreational, and wellness activities through a responsible use of community resources, safe environments, and best practices.
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Recent News

  • Tunbridge Park Playground Replacement Survey
    Tunbridge Park Playground Replacement Survey
    Tunbridge Park (1365 Stonegate Road) is due for a playground replacement and we want input from our community! Please help us choose between two exciting new playground designs for this neighborhood park.
  • Willoughby Farms Park Conceptual Site Plan Voting
    Willoughby Farms Park Conceptual Site Plan Voting
    We want your input! Two conceptual site plan alternatives have been developed for Willoughby Farms Park, and we’d love to hear which one you prefer. Vote for your favorite design and help guide the future of this c...
  • Willoughby Farms Park Master Plan Project
    Willoughby Farms Park Master Plan Project
    The Village is developing a comprehensive master plan for Willoughby Farms Park. The plan's purpose is to ensure that the park meets the community’s current and future needs while preserving natural and cultural re...

Contact Us

Ganek Municipal Center
2200 Harnish Dr
Algonquin, IL 60102
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